Dwi Priharti¹, Tedi Purnama², Yofiana Darlis³                                                                                               

¹,²Department of Dental Health, Health Polytechnic Jakarta I, Jakarta, Indonesia

³Dental Therapist of Tarakan Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia

*Corresponding author: dwipriharti@poltekkesjakarta1.ac.id

Received: Sept 24, 2021 / Revised: Oct 18 , 2021/ Accepted: 28 Oct, 2021


Dental and oral abnormalities can interfere with appearance, phonetics, or mastication. One of the abnormalities in the arrangement of teeth is called the crowding of teeth. Crowded teeth are very difficult to clean by brushing teeth, this condition can cause plaque build-up which is also a risk factor for dental disease. Objective: This study aims to describe the knowledge of parents about the growth of teeth and the condition of crowded teeth in elementary school students. Methods: This study uses a descriptive method with a sample of this study using a total sampling technique of 36 respondents. Data was obtained by giving questionnaires to parents through google forms. Results: The results showed that parents of students had good knowledge (19.4%), enough knowledge (52.8%) and less knowledge (27.8%). Crowded teeth condition obtained 58.3% of students have crowded teeth and 41.7% do not have crowded teeth. Conclusion: Most parents have enough knowledge about dental growth and most elementary school students have crowding teeth.

Keywords   Parental Knowledge, Teeth Growth, Crowded Teeth

How to cite this article

Priharti, D. Purnama, T, Darlis, Y. (2021). Parental knowledge about tooth growth and the condition of crowded teeth in elementary school students. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (4), 277-280. http://dx.doi.org/10.47587/SA.2021.2402


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