Taha, M.B.¹, Abd Elhamed, A. S.²

 ¹Soils, Water and Environment (SWERI), Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt.

²Agricultural Crop Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt.

Received: Nov 12, 2021 / Revised: Dec 2 , 2021/ Accepted: Dec 5, 2021


The present investigation was conducted in two successive seasons of 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 at Sids Agric. Station, ARC to determine the effect of two tillage systems, i.e. shallow and subsoiling tillage as well as three gypsum levels (0.0, 4.76, and 9.52 t/ha) and four farmyard manure (FYM) levels (0.0, 11.9, 23.8, and 35.7 m3/ha) on the properties of moderately sodic soil and wheat growth. The results reveal that subsoiling tillage improved soil bulk density, total porosity, and soil fertility while increasing gypsum and FYM levels had a positive effect on soil reaction, soil organic matter, total porosity, soil available N, P, and K as well as wheat vegetative growth namely, plant height, number of spikes/m2, number of grains/spike and 1000-grain weight. In contrast, soil salinity was increased by increasing FYM levels. The highest values of wheat growth parameters were achieved under the treatment of 9.52 t/ha gypsum combined with 35.7 m3/ha FYM under subsoiling tillage. From these results, it could be recommended to use subsoiling tillage and add 9.52 t/ha gypsum and 35.7 m3/ha FYM to improve the moderately sodic soil as well as enhance wheat growth.

Keywords   Farmyard manure, Successive seasons, Sodic soil, Wheat growth   

How to cite this article

Taha, M.B., Abd Elhamed, A. S. (2021). Some agricultural practices for improving the productivity of moderately sodic soil I: soil properties and wheat vegetative growth. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (4), 287-297. http://dx.doi.org/10.47587/SA.2021.2404


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