Pema Rinchen                                                              

 Yebilaptsa Central School, Zhemgang, Bhutan

Received: Feb 5, 2022  / Revised: Feb 20, 2022 / Accepted: Mar 05, 2022


Bhutanese principals faced several challenges in course of their jobs. This has led to managerial issues and mismanagement at schools. The impact of principals’ transformational leadership practice on the administration of Bhutanese schools is discussed. The study had three goals: to investigate the impact of principals’ TLP on teachers’ commitment; to determine the impact of principals’ TLP on school physical resource management; and to determine the impact of principals’ TLP on school financial resource management. Transformational leadership theory, which elucidates what leaders do to attain bigger magnitudes of growth in their institutions, served as the theoretical basis. The study employed a descriptive survey research approach. The study’s target population is 10 Bhutanese secondary school administrators (Principals) and 110 teachers. Questionnaires for teachers, focus groups for teachers, and interview schedules for principals were employed to collect data. The research produced both qualitative and quantitative information. The findings demonstrated that principals’ TLP had a favorable link with teachers’ commitment, physical resource management, and instructional material resource management in schools under Zhemgang Dzongkhag. The study’s findings are expected to show that teachers perform better as a result of being motivated, inspired, and appreciated; students perform well as a result of a positive learning environment; and principals have an impact on the commitment of subordinate staff to work and the upkeep of school resources.

Keywords   Transformational Leaders, Motivated, Inspired, Administrator, Commitment

How to cite this article

Rinchen, P. (2022). Impact of Transformational Leadership Practice on Management of Secondary Schools under Zhemgang Dzongkhag. Science Archives, Vol. 3 (1), 35-49


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