Salma Khaled Yassin and Saba Abdulkareem Mustafa

 Department of Life Sciences, College of Education for Woman, Tikrit University, Iraq

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Received:  May 5, 2022/ Revised: June 2, 2022 / Accepted: June 13, 2022


The current study included determining some characteristics of water reservoirs in Salah al-Din Governorate from December 2020 until the end of July 2021, and comparing the results with Iraqi and international drinking water standards. Samples were collected every month from each station for eight months during the study period. The study included the following chemical properties (dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen requirement), and biological properties (calculating the total number of bacteria, and diagnosing algae). The results showed that the dissolved oxygen values ​​ranged between (5.0-11.9) mg/L, while the biological requirements values ​​ranged from (1.1-7.5) mg/L. Examination of the total number of bacteria showed high levels in the winter. 23 species of algae belonging to 3 phyla were isolated and identified.

Keywords  Biological properties, Water  characteristics, Bacteria, Algae

How to cite this article

Yassin, S.K. and Mustafa, S.A. (2022). Study of the bacterial and algal content of school tanks water in Salah Al-Din Governorate. Science Archives Vol. 3 (2), 104–108.


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