Rawad Khalaf Hameed, Rafea Zaidan Al-Sugmiany, Hisham Majeed Shlash and Maan Hasan Salih

Department of Biology, College of Science, Tikrit University, Iraq

*Corresponding author: rawad.kh.hameed@tu.edu.iq

Received:  May 10, 2022/ Revised: June 18, 2022 / Accepted: June 21, 2022


The study objective was to evaluate the effects of exposure Vicia faba to Wi-Fi waves on growth and molecular levels. The seeds of the Vicia faba plant were soaked for 48 hours, then the seeds were divided into five groups, four for treatments and one for the control group, phenotypic characteristics were recorded, while the molecular markers were evaluated using RAPD-PCR markers to detect the effect of waves on DNA sequence. Morphological study, the highest plant height recorded in treatment B that was 123.9 followed by C, D and E. As for the bean pod number, the treatment E was 13.6 that showed the highest number that followed by D, C and B. For the seed number, the highest was E 34.4 seed that followed by D, B and C treatments. The number of leaves in the plants, the highest was in treatment B that was 251 followed by C, D and E treatments respectively. The leaf measurements recorded, the highest leaf area was in the treatment E that was 3.2-6.1 followed by D, C and B treatments respectively. Most of the treatments were distinguished by unique bands and absent of all mutant bands (51), unique bands (33) and absent bands (18), the treatment E (60) day got a higher number of unique bands that were (12), and the treatment B (15) day have got (4) bands, while the absent bands the treatment D (45) day got a higher number of the absent bands that were (6), and the treatment B (15) day got (4) bands. There was a difference in the results between the morphological and molecular markers because of the difference in mutation frequency on the genome of their coding and noncoding DNA. The Wi-Fi waves induced mutations in the genome of Vicia faba L. and the mutations increased with the period of exposure of the plant to the Wi-Fi waves. The efficiency of the RAPD markers was high in detecting the producing mutation in the genome of Vicia faba L

Keywords  Phenotypic, Molecular Markers, Vicia faba, Wi-Fi Waves

How to cite this article

Hameed, R.K., Al-Sugmiany, R.J., Shlash, H.M.,  and Salih, M.H. (2022). Detecting the effects of Wi-Fi waves on phenotypic and molecular markers of Vicia faba L. Science Archives Vol. 3 (2), 1113–119. http://dx.doi.org/10.47587/SA.2022.3206


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