Suhayla K. Mohammed ✉, Ebaa A. Hamooshy and Gulboy Abdolmajeed Nasir            

University of Baghdad College of agriculture, Al-Jadriya, Baghdad, Iraq

 (✉) Corresponding Author:

Received: Aug 8, 2022/ Revised: Sept 4, 2022 / Accepted: Sept 6, 2022


By using the deacetylation method, chitin is converted into bioproduct chitosan. Deacetylation can be accomplished using chemical or biological mechanisms. Due to its biocompatibility, nontoxicity, biodegradability, natural origin, and resemblance to human macromolecules, it is useful in medicine. Chitosan may have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Additionally, it could be used in biotechnology, agriculture, gene therapy, food technology, medication delivery, cancer therapy, and other fields. The objective of the current review was to list the most significant applications of Chitosan in the biomedical field.

Keywords  Deacetylation, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Biodegradability, Agriculture, Gene therapy


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How to cite this article

Mohammed, S. K., Hamooshy, E. A., Nasir, G. A. (2022). Medical application of Chitosan. Science Archives, Vol. 3 (3), 224-227.

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