Andi L. Amar¹, Ross J. Coventry², Robert A. Congdon² and Christopher P. Gardiner³

¹Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Universitas Tadulako, Palu 94117 Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia.

²Tropical Plant Sciences, School of Marine and Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811, Australia

³School of Veterinary and Biomedical Science, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811, Australia

Received: May 1, 2023/ Revised: June 6, 2023/Accepted: June 8, 2023

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Survival, herbage yield and nutrient use efficiency of ten tropical forage legumes were compared in pot trials using two soil types (red and yellow kandosols), widespread in Australia’s tropical rangelands, over a period of 22 months. Over this period, plants of Centrosema brasilianum cv. Oolloo, Desmodium virgatus, Macroptilium bracteatum (93.8%), Stylosanthes scabra, S. hamata (87.5%) and D. pubescens (68.8%) survived best. Arachis paraguariensis (37.5%), A. triseminalis, M. martii (25.0%) and C. pascuorum (18.8%) were less successful. The highest herbage yields were consistently produced by C. brasilianum, followed by M. bracteatum and the Stylosanthes cultivars. The annual species, C. pascuorum and M. martii gave high yields in the first 3 9-weekly harvests. The Stylosanthes cultivars produced most root nodules, followed by A. paraguariensis, C pascuorum, C. brasilianum and M. martii. D. pubescens, D. virgatus, M. martii, A. triseminalis and C. brasilianum had the highest nitrogen-use efficiencies, whilst C. brasilianum and the two Stylosanthes cultivars had the highest phosphorus-use efficiencies. All of the legumes increased the nitrogen content of the two soils significantly, especially S. hamata, A. paraguariensis, C. brasilianum, M. martii and M. bracteatum. Most of the legumes show promise for use in low-fertility tropical pastures, particularly C. brasilianum and M. bracteatum.

Keywords: Pasture Legumes, Low Fertility, Soils, Rangelands.


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How to cite this article

Amar, A. L., Coventry, R. J., Congdon R. A. and Gardiner, C. P. (2023). Regrowth performance of tropical forage legumes on infertile soils. Science Archives, Vol. 4(2), 130-140.

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