Okonta O. Emmanuel¹, Ajani Dele¹ and Okonta I. Love²

 ¹Department of Computer Education, FCE(T), Asaba, Nigeria

²Department of Educational Foundations, FCE(T), Asaba, Nigeria

Received: May 30, 2023/ Revised: June 30, 2023/Accepted: July 11, 2023

(✉) Corresponding Author: Okey.okonta@fcetasaba-edu.ng


Intrusion monitoring is the act of monitoring unwanted traffic on a network or a device, analysing them for signs of possible incidents, which are violations or imminent threats of violation of computer security policies, acceptable use policies, or standard security practices. Intrusion detection is the process of detecting a possible compromise or events occurring in a computer system or network. An IDMS can be a piece of installed software or a physical intelligent appliance that monitors network traffic in order to detect and prevent unwanted activity and events such as illegal and malicious traffic, traffic that violates security policy, and traffic that violates acceptable use policies. This innovative design primarily focused on identifying possible incidents, logging information about them, attempting to stop them, and reporting them to security administrators. In addition, try to inoculate the system to prevent similar attacks using recognisable signature patterns and this will enhance National Security and prevent unwarranted cyber-attacks on organizations and important National resources.

Keywords:  Innovative, Intelligent Detection, Monitoring System and National Security.


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How to cite this article

Okonta, O. E., Ajani, D. and Okonta, L. I. (2023). Innovative framework design of an Intelligent Detection and Monitoring System (IDMS) to leverage national security. Science Archives, Vol. 4(3), 190-194. https://doi.org/10.47587/SA.2023.4302

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