Ali Muayad Sultan  

 Biology Department, College of Education for Women, Tikrit University, Iraq

Received: July 28, 2023/ Revised: Aug 21, 2023/Accepted: Aug 23, 2023

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This study was conducted on Fischerella muscicola isolated from the Iraqi Tigris River. To determine the impact of Kirkuk crude oil (KCO) in four concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2) %v/v as well as Control culture (CC). The biomass was measured as growth by optical density (OD) and estimated the content of Chlorophyll a (Chl a), Phycocyanin pigments (PC) and protein content as an indicator of Physiological activities of F. muscicola for 30 days. The results shown that the KCO 0.25% and 0.5% was less impact on F. muscicola. The growth rate has slowed down and the content of Chl a, PC and protein was limited during initial incubation. Then those increased regularly after the second week of the incubation period, which is the adaptation period for the presence of KCO. It records with KCO 0.25% treatment 0.39, (8.2, 2.5, 96.5) µg/ml for growth, Chl a, PC and protein respectively. These values are higher than the values recorded by the CC. that proved that some petroleum hydrocarbon compounds might support the growth of F. muscicola. Even with KCO 0.5% species was tolerant and grown well, were record 0.27, (7.3, 0.8, 78) µg/ml at day 30 for growth, Chl a, PC and protein respectively. When exposing F. muscicola with impact of KCO 1% and 2% treatments, its requires a longer period for adaptation. As the growth and Chl a, PC and protein were low for the first three weeks of the incubation period. Then the growth rate improved after day 24 of incubation, were recorded 0.112 and 0.069 respectively at day 30. Protein content of F. muscicola was affected by the toxicity of high concentrations of KCO, especially initial of incubation period. However, the F. muscicola resisted pollution efficiently. The presence of oil refineries and an electric power station working with KCO near the Tigris River in the Baiji city made some Species to be tolerant to the influence of petroleum compounds.

Keywords:    Cyanobacteria, Fischerella muscicola, Crude oil Chlorophyll a, Phycocyanin, Protein


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How to cite this article

Sultan, A. M. (2023). Physiological responses of Fischerella muscicola to kirkuk crude oil exposure: growth, pigment, and protein dynamics in different concentrations. Science Archives, Vol. 4(3), 213-220..

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