Zeyad Taha Hussein

College of Veterinary Medicine. University of Tikrit. Iraq

Received: Aug 26, 2023/ Revised: Sept 22, 2023/Accepted: Sept 23, 2023

(✉) Corresponding Author: zeyad81@tu.edu.iq


Toxoplasmosis is a common disease in worldwide. It is considered one of the common grounds between Humans and animals (zoonosis), which is caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite Between (30-60%) of the world’s population, the most important cause of infection with the parasite is eating uncooked meat And unwashed vegetables that are contaminated as well by touching the feces of infected cats, as most of the infected people are With this type without symptoms or they do not show obvious symptoms, early pregnancies are severe, accompanied by infection leading to spontaneous abortion, hydrocephalus, and mental retardation, while transmission rates are high Highest During the third trimester, a third of all cases of ocular toxoplasmosis occur before birth It is possible that it occurs after birth, and that this disease is congenital, possessing a parasite Toxoplasma gondii is a characteristic that distinguishes it from other opportunistic parasites, as it parasitizes on many types of hosts. This makes it spread widely) and attack various organs, but mainly it attacks the nervous system Central and Reticuloendothelial System, For over 60 years. Pyrimethamine has been combined with Sulfadiazine, a classic drug, which has a synergistic effect on different steps in the synthesis of DNA in the toxoplasmosis parasite. The study was conducted from April 2022 to March 2023, where 160 creative women were collected from the new arrivals women between the ages of (20 and 40 years) and admissions to primary health care centers in government projects or referrals to private laboratories in Iraq, After it was determined that 25% of pregnant women infected with pathogens, while 75% of pregnant women were healthy from this parasite, and the percentage of parasite infection in the age group 20-30 years was 25%, while the percentage was 75% in age group was 30-40, the percentage of women infected with toxoplasmosis by place of residence was 37.5 in urban while  62.5 in village. The percentage of women infected with toxoplasmosis who keep cats and pets is 70% while 30% are without animals. The results of the current study showed that there were significant differences in the results of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone between women infected with Toxoplasma gondii and women in the control group.

Keywords:  Toxoplasma gondii, LH, FSH, Pregnant Women.


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How to cite this article

Hussein, Z. T. (2023). Evaluation of the effect of Toxoplasma gonodii on some reproductive hormones in females. Science Archives, Vol. 4(3), 240-243. https://doi.org/10.47587/SA.2023.4310

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