Muhannad E. Majeed , Wijdan I. A. Abd-Alwahab  and Mousa M. Marbut

College of Education, University of Samarra, Iraq

Al-Farabi University College, Baghdad, Iraq

Received: Sept 28, 2023/ Revised: Oct 27, 2023/Accepted: Oct 31, 2023

(✉) Corresponding Author: Muhannad E. Majeed


A Cross-Sectional study that includes an assessment of the relation of the physiological and immunological factors among postmenopausal women with osteoporosis and heart diseases who attended Samarra General Hospital in Salah AL-Din Governorate The study started from January 2022 to November 2022 on a study population whose ages ranged from 45-70 years, their total number is 100 women, 25 of whom are healthy women who are considered as a control group, and 75 of them are represented by groups of patients that were distributed into three main groups: 25 women with Heart disease only include myocardial infarction and 25 women with osteoporosis only and 25 women with Heart disease and osteoporosis blood samples were collected from patients and healthy subjects and then serum separated for testing. The present study was designed to obtain more clarification of some Antioxidant changes in women patients with osteoporosis and heart diseases and Body mass index. and find out the role of some Biochemical parameters like Vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 in the serum of women patients with osteoporosis and heart diseases the result of biochemical parameters including Vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 showed significant decreases (P<0.05) in patient groups comparison with the control group.

Keywords:  Osteoporosis, heart disease, serum analysis, Vitamin K2 and D3 levels.


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How to cite this article

Majeed, M.E., Abd-Alwahab, W.I.A. and Marbut, M.M. (2023). Estimation of the levels of Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D3 in women patients with osteoporosis and heart diseases. Science Archives, Vol. 4(4), 252-255.

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