Musadaq A. Hadi¹, Mohammed Najm Abdulredha², and E. Hasan³

¹Control and Systems Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

²Computer Science Department, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq

³Institute for Mathematics Research, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia 3Department of Mathematics, University of Baghdad, Al-Jadrriya, Baghdad, Iraq

Received: Oct 14, 2023/ Revised: Nov 4, 2023/Accepted: Nov 6, 2023

(✉) Corresponding Author: Musadaq A. Hadi


ChatGPTis an innovative natural language processing (NLP) technology developed by OpenAI. It has revolutionized human- computer interactions by utilizing Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms. ChatGPT generates a remarkable human-like conversations in response to user input. Consequently, the efficiency of ChatGPT lies in its ability to identify patterns in text, analyze context and produce responses that mimic human conversation. Its use of deep learning techniques which enables it to capture syntactic and semantic structures that resulting in natural-sounding output. Furthermore, its adaptive learning capability allows it to continuously improve and update its language understanding through exposure to a vast amount of user interactions. In this paper, a historical review of ChatGPT is introduced to catch up with the revolution of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) impact on life aspects, economic, financial, military and cybersecurity. Eventually, a comparison is made between ChatGPT versions and other AI platforms to present the effectiveness, weakness and strength points.

Keywords:  ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Chatbot and Cybersecurity


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How to cite this article

Hadi, M. A., Abdulredha, M. N. and Hasan, E. (2023). Introduction to ChatGPT: A new revolution of artificial intelligence with machine learning lgorithms and cybersecurity. Science Archives, Vol. 4(4), 276-285.

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