Abeer Salih Ali¹, Mahmood Abed Hamzah², Saif Mazeel Abed³ Alia Essam Mahmood Alubadi¹

¹Department of Biology, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq

²Ministry of Education, Baghdad, Iraq

³College of Health and Medical Techniques, Sawa University, Iraq

Received: Oct 1, 2023/ Revised: Oct 25, 2023/Accepted: Oct 27, 2023

(✉) Corresponding Author: Abeer Salih Ali


Trained immunity is a new concept of innate immune memory which gives enduring protection through developing adaptive features against foreign reinfection, through many studies, when any pathogen invades the human body a series of metabolic alterations occur and lead to epigenetic reprogramming of various transcriptional innate immune pathways due to different types of endogenous and exogenous antigens which have similar epitopes that trigger cross-protective immunity which is represented by the heightened trained innate immune response to various reinfections due to cross-reactivity of these similar epitopes of various antigens by trained innate immune cells specially (monocytes and macrophages), this concept has been used previously unintentionally and currently can be used as potential therapeutic strategies for immunological management of various diseases such as cancer, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and other diseases by use different vaccines due to non-specific effects of vaccines, such as BCG vaccine effects on different diseases.

Keywords: Trained Immunity, Epigenetics, Cross-Protection, Immunotherapy, Non-Specific Vaccines.


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How to cite this article

Ali, A. S., Hamzah, M. A., Abed, S. M. and Alubadi, A. M. (2023). The effect of cross-reactivity on trained innate immunity. Science Archives, Vol. 4(4), 291-294.


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