Garima Singh

Shri Ram College Muzaffarnagar, UP, India

Received: Oct 22, 2021/ Revised: Nov 26, 2021/Accepted: Nov 28, 2021


 Advertising is a marketing strategy used to increase product awareness in consumers’ minds so that they can make a purchasing decision. Advertisement, sales promotion, and public relations are examples of mass communication tactics used by marketers. Although advertising in the mass media has an impact on audiences, television has the broadest reach and is the most powerful advertising medium. Advertising has the ability to influence people’s attitudes, lifestyles, and, in the long run, a country’s culture. To succeed in a consumer market dominated by advertising, a corporation may engage in promotional activities to boost the brand of their product. The primary goal of advertisers is to reach out to consumers and influence their awareness, attitude, and purchasing behavior. Customers’ brand preferences can be influenced by advertising. It influences customer behavior. This study investigates consumer purchasing behavior as influenced by advertising. The impact of advertising on consumer behavior will be discussed in this paper.

 Keywords:  Advertising, Consumer, Behavior, Audiences, Television, Brand Preference, Media, Lifestyles, Printing Press, Radio, Television, social media.


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How to cite this article

Singh, G. (2021). Impact of advertising on consumer behavior. Science Archives, Vol. 2(4), 381-385.

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