Vishwas Kumar Sharma, Pramod Kumar, Neetu Singh and Nishant Kumar Rathi

Department of Computer Application, Shri Ram College, Muzaffarnagar, UP. India

Received: Oct 24, 2021/ Revised: Nov 28, 2021/Accepted: Nov 30, 2021


Nowadays, the Internet of Things (IoT) is an increasingly popular technology that generates a vast amount of data. By applying data analytics techniques to discrete data through Cloud Computing, valuable and precise information can be obtained. However, when it comes to traditional applications and IoT applications such as environmental monitoring, smart navigation, and smart healthcare, there are specific requirements to consider, including mobility, quick response, and real-time capabilities. Unfortunately, the conventional cloud computing architecture falls short in meeting these requirements due to the distributed processing of data across various physical locations of IIoT devices worldwide. Consequently, the concept of edge computing has emerged, enabling data storage and processing at the network’s extreme end, closer to the data collection sources than cloud storage. This approach enhances computational efficiency and location awareness in applications. Nevertheless, the integration of edge computing with IoT devices presents several security and privacy challenges in the realm of data analytics.

Keywords: Cloud computing, IOT, Edge Computing, Edge devices, IOT.


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How to cite this article

Sharma, V. K., Kumar, P., Singh, N. and Rathi, N. K. (2021). Edge computing: an evolution and paradigm shift in the realm of cloud computing and IOT. Science Archives, Vol. 2(4), 386-391.

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