Abdulaziz. Y. T. Al-Saffawi   and Ahmed J. A. Al-Barzanji

 Dept. of Bio. Coll. of Edcation for pure Science University of Mosul. Iraq.


Received: Sept 06, 2020 / Accepted: Sept 24, 2020 / Published Date: Sept 29, 2020


 In the current study, wells water were assessed in Al-Rashidiya area located north of the left side of Mosul for irrigation, which is characterized by its agricultural nature and the abundance of fields and farms in it, was evaluated, One hundred water samples were taken from ten wells throughout the period from (October 2019 to mid-January 2020) to estimate some characteristics Physiochemical such as ph, Ec, and some negative and positive ions and irrigation parameters such as (SAR), (% Na), (RSC), (MH), (PS), ( KR) and (PI), and the mathematical model was applied using eleven parameters to calculate IWQI values. The results of the IWQI values indicated that the water quality of the wells was of an excellent category for irrigation, as the values ranged between (23,582 to 30,429). This improvement in quality is due to the fact that most of the studied parameters did not exceed the permissible confines for irrigation.

Keywords: Wells water of Al-Rashidiya area, IWQI, Water quality for irrigation

How to cite this article:

Al-Saffawi, A.Y. T.  and Al-Barzanji A.J.A. (2020) Application of the sub-index model for valuation water quality for irrigation uses: A case study of groundwater in Al-Rashidiya area, North of Mosul city of Iraq Science Archives, Vol. 1 (2), 61-67. 

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