Ibtisam Jasim Sodani, Ahmed A. Mhawesh
, Mayyahi Mohammed T. Jaber
1-Molecular Genetics and Finger Printing Department, Forensic DNA Centre for Research and Training, AL-Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
2-Dept. of Med. and Mol. Biotech. Coll. of Biotech – Al-Nahrain University, Iraq
3-Forensic DNA Research and Training Center, AL-Nahrain University, Iraq
Article History : Received: Nov 5, 2020 / Revised: Dec 8, 2020/ Accepted: Dec 12, 2020
The Chinese government at the end of 2019, informed the World Health Organization (WHO) that many cases of uncommon etiology pneumonia have been investigated in the Hunan seafood market and infected more than fifty persons. This seafood market sold snakes, bats, frogs, birds, marmots, and many other animals. On 12 January 2020, the National Health Commission of China released information concerning this outbreak, proposed that the causative agent of pneumonia is viral. However, depending on the genetic sequence and the sequence-based analysis of specimens of the infected patients, the diagnosed virus was named Coronavirus. WHO officially stated on 30 January 2020, that the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak as an international health emergency was rapidly extended throughout China. Europe has also become a new epicenter of COVID-19. These cases have been spread across the world with the worst situations reported in Italy. As per the WHO report on March 17, 2020, the cases outside China have exceeded. However, investigations revealed that this viral disease could be transmitted from human to human. Meanwhile the common symptoms of this viral disease involved, sore throat, fever, fatigue, cough with shortness of breathing. The greatest cases showed mild symptoms, while other cases exhibit progress to pneumonia and multi-organ failure particularly in patients suffering from underlying diseases and the elderly.
Keywords Acute Respiratory Disease, Pneumonia, Coronavirus Infection, Viral Diseases, Pandemic Diseases.
How to cite this article Sodani, I.J., Mhawesh A. A., Jaber, M.M.T. (2020). The global COVID-19 pandemic. Science Archives, 1 (3), 70-83.
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