Zainab Hasan Majeed and Ahmed Hamad Saleh

1-Biology Department., College of Education for Pure Science, Kirkuk University, Iraq

2-Biology Department., College of Science, Kirkuk University, Iraq

3-Medical Laboratory Department., College of Al-Qalam/ Iraq

Article History: Received: Nov 30, 2020 / Revised: Dec 19, 2020/ Accepted: Dec 29, 2020


Coronavirus has led to the infection of respiratory inclusive coughing, sneezing, cold conditions, and pneumonia disease, while in animals Coronavirus leads to diarrhea conditions and diseases of the respiratory system. COVID-19 has transfer man to other man or man to animal through droplets of airborne. This review was done to explain the epidemiology, pathophysiology conditions, prognosis, and future perspective of COVID-19. The infection of Human coronavirus (HCoV) leads to diseases of the respiratory system. HCoV spreads faster than SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV but has a lower death percent.

Keywords  COVID-19, Virus-Host Interactions, SARS-CoV, Pathogenesis

How to cite this article

Majeed, Z. H.,  Saleh, A. H., (2020). A new human Coronavirus: A Review. Science Archives, 1 (3), 155-159.

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