Soroor Anter Hamad1, Ahmed H. Al-Anee2, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa3

1MRCP-CH , PD  ( Al-Anbar Directorates)

2 C.A.B.P. (Pediatrics), College of Medicine, University of Tikrit.

3Department of Pathological Analysis, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, Iraq.

3Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, College of Technology, University of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq Dujail

*Corresponding author: *mohammed.alsad3@

Received: Feb 4, 2021 / Revised:  Mar 4, 2021/ Accepted: Mar 14, 2020


 A cross-sectional hospital-based selected study was done on children attending the pediatrics out patients department (age from 6 months to 5 years). Each child was examined for signs of vitamin D deficiency and iron deficiency, in addition to measuring of weight and height. Each child was sent for vitamin d3 level, iron level and complete blood count (including MCV, MCH). The total number of cases 106 case (50.9% female, 49.1% male). Most of the cases were between 4 years to 5 years 41.5%. 82.1% of the cases were on added solid diet. Regarding iron status, 55% of study cases were with normal iron level while 45% were within low level. The result also showed that the risk factor for vitamin D efficiency (poor sun exposure) was higher in males with percent of 34.6%, Where the risk factor (diet deficient in vitamin D3) was higher in females with percent of 42.6%. About 96.2% of males were have no risk factors of iron deficiency and 98.1% of females have also no risk factors of iron deficiency. The study also showed that, according to symptoms of vitamin d3 deficiency. Prolong bone pain among males were 88.5% and the females obtained the percent of 90.7%. There is a statistically significant difference at level of 0.05 in the distribution of study cases according to vitamin D3 status in regard to iron status.

Keywords Vitamin D deficiency, iron deficiency, risk factor and iron status

How to cite this article

Hamad, S.A., Al-Anee, A.H., Mustafa, M.A. (2021). Association between vitamin D3 deficiency and iron status in children between six months to five years. Science Archives, 2 (1) 21-25.


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