Review Article Open Access

Innovative framework design of an intelligent detection and monitoring system (IDMS) to leverage National Security

Okonta O. Emmanuel¹✉, Ajani Dele¹ and Okonta I. Love²

 ¹Department of Computer Education, FCE(T), Asaba, Nigeria ²Department of Educational Foundations, FCE(T), Asaba, Nigeria

Science Archives, Vol. 4(3), 190-194 (Published on: Jul 25, 2023)

Crossref DOI:

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Review Article Open Access

Novel β-lactamase inhibitors and the pursuit of MBL inhibitors to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria: a review

Ahmed A. Saleh & Ahmed A. J. Mahmood ✉

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq

Science Archives, Vol. 4(3), 199-207 (Published on: Jul 28, 2023)

Crossref DOI:

[pdf_attachment file="1" name="View PDF"]Abstract Keywords References Citations Copyright License Metadata
Research Article Open Access

Physiological responses of Fischerella muscicola to kirkuk crude oil exposure: growth, pigment, and protein dynamics in different concentrations

Ali Muayad Sultan✉  

 Biology Department, College of Education for Women, Tikrit University, Iraq

Science Archives, Vol. 4(3), 213-220 (Published on: Aug 28, 2023)

Crossref DOI:

[pdf_attachment file="1" name="View PDF"]Abstract Keywords References Citations Copyright License Metadata
Research Article Open Access

Gas chromatography- mass spectrometry analysis of natural products in Pimpinella olivieri from North Iraq

Wijdan Saadi Aziz¹, Ali Hossen Altaef Al Tikriti², and Zahraa B. Muhammed³

¹,²Biology Department, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Tikrit, Iraq ³Biology Department, College of Education for Women, University of Kirkuk, Iraq

Science Archives, Vol. 4(3), 226-231 (Published on: Sep 28, 2023)

Crossref DOI:

[pdf_attachment file="1" name="View PDF"]Abstract Keywords References Citations Copyright License Metadata
Research Article Open Access

Prevalence and association of pks+ Escherichia coli with colorectal cancer in Iraqi patients

Raghad Abdullah Hassan¹,², Suhad Saad Mahmood², Basem Ahmed Askar³            

¹Biology Department, College of Education, Al-Iraqia University, Iraq ²Department of Biotechnology, Collage of Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq ³Medical City, Unit of Digestive Diseases, Ministry of Health, Baghdad, Iraq

Science Archives, Vol. 4(3), 232-239 (Published on: Sep 29, 2023)

Crossref DOI:

[pdf_attachment file="1" name="View PDF"]Abstract Keywords References Citations Copyright License Metadata