Manal A. A. Al-Hamadany, Abdulazez Y.T. Al-Saffawi*, Yousef J. Al-Shaherey

 Department of Biology, Coll. of Educt. For pure science Mosul University Iraq

 *Corresponding author:

Received: Nov 15, 2021 / Revised: Dec 16, 2021/ Accepted: Dec 24, 2021


In the current study, the water quality was evaluated using the NSFWQI model for the Alaysar alqadim water supply plant and the residential quarters covered by the water supply, where water samples were collected from ten sites monthly (for one year) starting with the raw water entering the plant, after treatment and eight residential quarters sites are covered by the water distribution network, such as the quarters of Andalusia, Police, Nargal, Mohandessin, Agricultural, Al-Faisaliah, Al-Nabi Younis, Al-Darkaziliya, Al-Maliya, etc. The results of the quality index (NSFWQI) values indicated the relative deterioration of raw water before treatment due to bacterial contamination, as well as the increase in the number of total bacteria and the frequency of appearance of faecal coliform bacteria in most of the studied sites to reach (700) cell. ml-1 and (16) cell. 100 ml-1, respectively, Therefore, it was classified in the category of good quality drinking water because the values of the NSFWQI ranged between (73.8 to 78.6), since the studied physiochemical characteristics did not exceed the international standard limits.

Keywords   Drinking water quality, NSFWQI, Alaysar alqadim water supply plant

How to cite this article

Manal A. A. Al-Hamadany, Abdulazez Y.T. Al-Saffawi, Yousef J. Al-Shaherey (2021). Assessment of drinking water quality using the NSFWQI model between source and consumer in Mosul city Iraq. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (4) 324-329.


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