Chanchal Bhargava, Sarita Singh
and Pyare Lal Ambulkar
Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, College of Agriculture, J.N.K.V.V., Chhindwara, Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh, India
Article History: Received: Nov 07, 2020 / Revised: Dec 04, 2020/ Accepted: Dec 16, 2020
When we think about pearl cultivation in the world, China ranks first. The cultivation of pearl includes; Natural pearls, Seawater cultured pearls, and Freshwater cultured pearls. There are two types of varieties of cultured pearls; freshwater and saltwater. Freshwater pearls are grown primarily in man-made lakes reservoirs and ponds. Saltwater pearls are grown in bays, inlets, and sea in many places around the world. Indian pearl-producing mussels, more than 40 varieties, are found in Asia in various places like ponds, rivers, and lakes however there are 3 main categories of pearl-producing mussels in India and the country. We have cultured the designer pearls at our Krishi Vigyan Kendra located at 22.0574° N, 78.9382° E Chhindwara (M.P.) and found prominent conditions with Lemllidens Corrianus for fresh-water designer pearl production.
Keywords Pearl cultivation, Harvesting, Freshwater and Seawater cultured pearls
How to cite this article
Bhargava, C., Singh, S., Ambulkar P.L. (2020). ‘Case study on freshwater pearl cultivation at tribal district Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, India’. Science Archives, 1 (3), 117-122.
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