Aseel Muthana Yousif AL-Sammarie¹, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa²                                    

¹Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, College of AL-Hadi, University

²Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, College of Technology, University of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq Dujail


Received: Feb 19, 2022 / Revised: Mar 2, 2022 / Accepted: Mar 10, 2022


This study deal with the effect of pregnancy on the biochemical blood characteristics, where blood samples were collected from pregnant women during the three stages of pregnancy and from married women who were not pregnant as a control group. A woman. As for married women who are not pregnant, they reached (10) women, their ages ranged between (15-40) years. The results of this study showed that blood components were affected by a pregnancy, so the number of platelets decreased significantly during the three stages of pregnancy compared with married women who were not pregnant at a significant level <0.01). The results also showed a significant decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, the number of red blood cells and the proportion of the volume of pressurized blood cells during the three stages of pregnancy compared with married women who were not pregnant at a significant level (P < 0.01).

Keywords   Anemia, Pregnancy, Hemoglobin RBC, MCV

How to cite this article

Yousif AL-Sammarie, A. M., Mustafa, M. A. (2022). Effect of anemia on pregnant women during the first weeks in Samarra city. Science Archives, Vol. 3 (1), 50-53.


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