Nuha Ali Hadi al-Samarrai             

Chemistry Department, College of Education, Samarra University, Iraq

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Received:  July 21, 2022/ Revised: Aug 19, 2022/ Accepted: Aug 23, 2022


The study included evaluating the following bio-chemical evidence (Moisture, the percentage of the total Solid materials, the percentage of the extracted Oil, Acid Value, Iodine Value, Saponifing Value, Ester Value and Peroxide Value). The extracted oil   of poupied had the higher ratio of the acid Value (27) whereas the ginger is recorded the lowest ratio of the acid Value (0.08). The extracted oil of the radish Seed is registered the highest (201.1) Concentration of the Saponifing Value whereas the extracted oil of the frozen fish (71.8) had Contained the lowest   degree of the Saponifing Value. For  the Ester value ,the free fat  of sheep is given  the higher(199.8)  ratio  whereas  the extracted  oil of frozen  fish is  indicated  the lesser ratio(70.6) .For  Iodine  value  the extracted  oil  of linseed  is reached  to highest (170.7) ratio while  the butter  is granted  the lesser(31.7)  ratio .As regard  to  the Peroxide value  in the almond(21.4)  oil  while  the  lower  value   was  in the free  fat  sheep (31.7). the study focused on assessing some   of the mineral elements (Calcium, Potassium, Zinc, Iron and Magnesium). The sunflower oil had the highest concentration in Ca (2.1), K (9.0), Fe (0.9) and Mg (1.05) where the olive oil is registered the highest concentration in Zinc (0.3)

Keywords   Moisture, Total Solids, Acid Value, Saponification Value, Iodine Value, Ester Value, Peroxide Value, Element


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How to cite this article

Al-Samarrai, N. A. H. (2022). Estimation of some nutritional values and some mineral elements in some oils extracted from medicinal plants. Science Archives, Vol.3(3), 200-203.

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