Neetu Singh and Ankur Rohilla

Department of Computer Application, Department of Computer Science

Shri Ram College, Muzaffarnagar, India

Received: Oct 13, 2021/ Revised: Nov 04, 2021/Accepted: Nov 05, 2021


Recent advancements in Internet of Things (IoT) research underscore the significance of interoperability and security across diverse sectors like smart cities, homes, factories, and healthcare, highlighting the intricate interconnection among users, devices, and information resources. While existing studies tend to address specific challenges in IoT implementation, a comprehensive solution encompassing interoperability and security remains elusive. International standards serve as a crucial framework for achieving these goals, facilitating streamlined system development and management. Despite ongoing efforts by standard organizations to develop IoT-related standards, there exists a gap in the consolidated examination of interoperability- and security-related standards. This paper fills that gap by conducting a systematic literature review, analyzing international standards relevant to IoT interoperability and security, and identifying remaining challenges in this domain. Consequently, the adoption of international standards becomes imperative to surmount the hurdles in IoT. Moreover, international standard organizations are actively formulating IoT-related standards, potentially offering solutions to interoperability and security challenges. Nevertheless, there remains a gap in research focusing on standards pertaining to interoperability and security. Thus, this paper directs its attention to international standards concerning interoperability and security within IoT environments. Additionally, we examine standard organizations engaged in developing IoT standards. Through a systematic literature review, we analyze international standards and address any lingering challenges associated with interoperability and security in IoT standards.

Keywords:  Internet of Things (IoT), interoperability, standards, protocols, compatibility, integration


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How to cite this article

Singh, N. and Rohilla, A. (2021). Exploring Interoperability and Security Standards in the Internet of Things: An In-Depth Survey. Science Archives, Vol. 2(4), 362-367.

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