Udegolam Rakesh Sarma, Akkulanna Sake
, Yerragudi Chinna Pullanna
, Rudraraju Reddi Venkata Raju
Biosystematics and Phytomedicine Division, Department of Botany,
Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananthapuramu – 515 003, India
Received: Mar 02, 2022 / Revised: Mar 24, 2022 / Accepted: Mar 27, 2022
Pimpinella L. is a potential but little-known genus of medicinal plants of Apiaceae, represented by four species from the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh. Epidermal features such as stomata and trichomes were studied. For each species, the composition of stomatal types, nature of anticlinal walls of the epidermal cells, stomatal index and frequency, and trichome morphology along with distribution were determined. Haplocytic, diacytic, amphidiacytic, paracytic, transitional, anisocytic and anomocytic types have been revealed, while trichomes were confined to non-glandular ones multicellular, unbranched type. The present study establishes the taxonomic significance of the foliar epidermis.
Keywords Pimpinella, Epidermal complex, Comparative analysis
How to cite this article
Sarma, U. R., Akkulanna, S., Pullanna, Y. C. and Venkata Raju, R. R. (2022). Foliar micromorphology of Pimpinella (Apiaceae) species from the Eastern Ghats, India Science Archives, Vol. 3 (1), 59-65. http://dx.doi.org/10.47587/SA.2022.3107.
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