Mohamed Hafez Alexander I. Popov
, Valery N. Zelenkov
, Tamara V. Teplyakova
and Mohamed Rashad
1Department of Soil Science and Soil Ecology, Institute of Earth Sciences, Saint Petersburg State University, Embankment, 7/9, Saint Petersburg, 199034, Russia
2-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Production 140153, Moscow, Russia
3-Laboratory of the State Scientific Center of Virology and Biotechnology “Vector” 30659, Novosibirsk, Russia
4-Land and Water Technologies Department, Arid Lands Cultivation Research Institute, City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications, New Borg El-Arab, 21934, Alexandria, Egypt.
Received: Aug 21, 2020 / Accepted: Sept 7, 2020/ Published: Sept 29, 2020
The aim of this review was trying to access information to help the world in getting rid of a nightmare COVID-19, by evaluating the anti-virus activity of humic substances as natural anti-virus to inhibit COVID-19. In this scientific review, which devoted to biomedical aspects of various origin humic substances and other organic wastes influences on living organisms, is presented. It is shown that kinds of biological activity of humic substances (HS) are an integral indicator of properties of these substances. Data on humic substances and melanin of anti-viral, anti-carcinogen, and anti-virus diseases such as (COVID-19) activity is given too by immune-modulation. Humic substances, or humates, are the end points of organic (carbon-containing) degradation. They’re essentially what are left over from microbial decomposition of organisms and dead plant matter; however, they remain highly concentrated in minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids. Studies have shown that humic substances are effective against both naked and enveloped DNA viruses, including Coxsackie A9, influenza A and B, and herpes simplex type 1 and 2 viruses. In conclusion, humic substances effected on reduce oxidative stress and even induce apoptosis in hepatic cancer lines. humic substances are shown to also influence the micro-biome and possibly improve gut function. This will help make conclusive statements regarding humic substances function and its influence on immune-related diseases. The mechanism whereby humic substances inhibit the cytopathicity of a number of viruses has been studied in some depth. It is thought that the materials prevent viral replicating by sorbing onto the viral envelope protein and thereby blocking the sorption of viral particles to cell surfaces.
Keywords: Environmental- friendly, humic substances, biological activity and immune-modulation
How to cite this article:
Hafez, M., Popov, A.I., Zelenkov, V.N., Teplyakova, T.V. and Rashad, M. (2020) Humic substances as an environmental-friendly organic waste potentially help as natural anti-virus to inhibit Covid-19, Science Archives, Vol. 1 (2), 53-60.
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