Sayari Chakrabarti, S. Chowdhury
, Swarnadyuti Nath
, P. Murmu
and Deboshmita Dey
Department of Fish Processing Technology, Faculty of Fishery Sciences,
West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences, Kolkata, India
Article History: Received: Nov 20, 2020 / Revised: Dec 17, 2020/ Accepted: Dec 20, 2020
The present-day food supply chain is globalized, and this has led to an increase in awareness among consumers regarding seafood quality measures. For ensuring the quality parameters, although suitable preservation techniques are used, industries still face quality issues during production, storage, and distribution. However, traditional methods like sensory evaluation, biochemical and microbiological analysis are cumbersome, susceptible to variations in results, and time-consuming paving the way to explore alternative tools for quality assessment. Thus, non-destructive optical techniques involving visible and near-infrared wavelengths are now being applied for evaluating the quality of seafood on a real-time basis enabling online monitoring of all product samples. The infrared radiation of the electromagnetic spectrum is the invisible band between the visible and microwave region, having a wavelength range of 0.76 to 350 µm emitted out of substances whose temperature exceeds absolute zero, from the sun to electric heaters and gas-fired heaters. NIR techniques utilize the concept that molecules tend to absorb specific frequencies of light characterizing the corresponding structure of the molecules, enable rapid data acquisition, saves time, and determines multiple parameters. In Near-Infrared spectroscopy, the substance to be analyzed is illuminated with a broad-spectrum near-infrared source, by absorption, transmittance, reflectance, or scattering. This article reviews the application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for the seafood quality assessment, different modes of spectra measurement, and various instruments used in Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics is a propitious tool useful in the prediction of several fish and seafood’s quality attributes and authentication of various fish-and-fishery products.
Keywords Seafood Quality Assessment, Spectroscopy, Near- Infrared Spectroscopy, NIR Mode of Operation, NIR Functionality
How to cite this article
Chakrabarti, S., Chowdhury, S., Nath, S., Murmu, P. and Dey, D. (2020). Near-infrared spectroscopy: a non-invasive tool for quality evaluation of seafood. Science Archives, Vol. 1 (3), 132-141.
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This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited.
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