Omar Raheem Khalaf AL-Obaidi1, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa2,3, Rasha Abdul Adheem Yaseen1

1College of Education, Biology Department, University of Samarra, Iraq

2Department of Pathological Analysis, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, Iraq

3Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, College of Technology, University of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq Dujail

*Corresponding author:

Received: Feb 10, 2021 / Revised: Mar 9, 2021/ Accepted: Mar 15, 2020


Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a sort of DNA sequencing innovation that utilizes equal sequencing of numerous little sections of DNA to decide succession. As opposed to Sanger sequencing, the speed of sequencing and measures of DNA grouping information created with NGS, which is viewed as a “high-throughput innovation”, are dramatically more prominent, and are delivered at sLJnLficDntl\ diminished expenses. NGS opens the whole range of genomic adjustments for the hereditary examination of complex characteristics. The primary test in the quickly developing HT-NGS advances is to adapt to the investigation of the huge creation of sequencing data set through cutting-edge bioinformatics apparatuses.

Keywords  Next-generation sequencing, PCR, DNA sequencing

How to cite this article

AL-Obaidi, ORK., Mustafa, M.A., Yaseen, R.A.A. (2021). Next-generation sequencing techniques. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (1), 26-29.


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