Israa Salman Dalas¹ and Muqdad Altae²

¹Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Science, University of Tikrit, Iraq

²Ministry of Education / Salah Al-din Directorate, Iraq

*Corresponding author:

Received: Aug 28, 2021 / Revised: Sept 21, 2021/ Accepted: 28 Sept, 2021


Pathogens are a general health hazard with risks in nearly all parts of the world. Waterborne pathogens may occur in all water types and are particularly rampant in areas where there are large amounts of untreated wastewater. Wastewater contains waste products. These waste products are most often liquid, or solids and they can be biological, chemical, or radioactive. In addition to having adverse health implications, wastewater contamination can also have natural and ecological effects. These may include the degradation of ecosystems such as a decrease in important aquatic plants that help preserve the condition of waterways or biodiversity loss such as loss of aquatic life like fish and crustaceans that are an important part of both animal and human diet. Wastewater is becoming increasingly important to society, not only because it can be used to augment dwindling freshwater supplies, but also because it can be used for energy production and the recovery of nutrients and other resources. To realize these benefits, wastewater needs to be treated sufficiently to ensure that it is affordable while still protecting public health. This is an important consideration because without public confidence in recycled water it will not be accepted, but at the same time if it is too expensive then consumers will use the cheapest water available, which is often surface water or groundwater. Many microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, protozoans) associate with particles, which can allow them to survive disinfection processes and cause a health hazard. Improved understanding of this association will enable the development of cost-effective treatment, which will become increasingly important as indirect and direct potable reuse of wastewater becomes more widespread in both developed and developing countries. This review provides an overview of wastewater and organisms living in it, the pathogens in wastewater.

Keywords   Pathogens, Reuse, Treatment, Wastewater, Sewage

How to cite this article:

Dalas, I. S., Altae, M. (2021). Pathogenic Organisms in Sewage.: a review Science Archives, Vol. 2 (3), 258-266.


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