Aseel Ahmed Mustafa, Ansam Hussein Ali
, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa
, Marwan Q.AL-Samarraie
1-Ministry of Education , Salahdin Section
2 –Department of Pathological Analysis, AL-Dour Technical Institute, Northern Technical University, Iraq
3-Department of Pathological Analysis, College of Applied Sciences, University of Samarra, Iraq
4-Department of Medical Laboratory Techniques, College of Technology, University of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq Dujail,
Article History: Received: Nov 14, 2020 / Revised: Dec 19, 2020/ Accepted: Dec 25, 2020
Possibility of pregnancy within one year of sexual encounter and contraceptive use. Infertility is classified into two basic types: sterility, which means that there is no possibility of pregnancy at all. Relative infertility or sub-fertility, which means there is an obstacle that prevents pregnancy that should be treated and divides relative infertility into three types, namely primary infertility, secondary infertility, and unexplained infertility. Factors causing infertility associated with females are responsible for (50-40%) of cases, while other factors are attributed to husbands in addition to common causes among females. And males, as well as unexplained causes of infertility. There are multiple reasons causing infertility, including hormonal, hereditary, infectious, anatomical, environmental, etc., these factors have variable affects. The psychological causes of infertility are of great importance as researches have proved that there are many psychological factors that cause women’s infertility such as failure of sexual intercourse or to the inability to produce an egg. Failure to fertilize within one year does not mean the women’s failure to conceive after this period, since (15-50%) of wives get pregnant after the first year of marriage, and the failure to conceive before the passage of the first year of marriage is not a mark of sterility, so after the first month the pregnancy possibility is (15 -20%) and after the sixth month it is (50-70%), but after the passage of the year, it is (80-90%).
Keywords Sterility, Uterus, Ovaries, Hormonal control, Disorders of the Pituitary Gland
How to cite this article
Mustafa, A. A., Ali, A. H., Mustafa, M. A. and Q.AL-Samarraie, M. (2020). Physiological and hormonal study of women infertility. Science Archives, 1 (3), 160-165.
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