Emad Abd Atia1 and AlaaAbd Atia2

 1Plant Pathology, Department of Biology, College of Science/  AlMuthanna University, Almuthanna city 66001, Iraq

2Medical microorganisms, General Directorate of Education Al-Muthanna, Almuthanna city 66001, Iraq

*Corresponding author: emadabd2210@mu.edu.iq

Received: Aug 06,2021 / Revised: Sept 03, 2021/ Accepted: Sept 16, 2021


Fusarium is the important economic fungi in the world, which is due to the high economic losses in the various crop types in general and in the tomato plant in particular. The current study addresses the resistance or reduction of the spread of fungus causing the Fusarium wilt disease using plant extracts where extracts were used for four plants (Nerium, Eucalyptus, Conocarpus, and Christ’s Thorn Jujube) using extracts with different concentrations (10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%) showed satisfactory results for all plants and with increased concentration of the extracts of each plant the inhibition activity is increased also. Nerium and Eucalyptus outperform the rest of the plants in the different concentrations and Christ’s Thorn Jujube is less inhibition than the rest of the plants used in the experiment. The use of plant extracts is a successful way to reduce the use of chemicals harmful to health and the environment, which is the primary objective of current and previous studies.

 Keywords  Plant extract, Antifungal, Inhibition, Fusarium

How to cite this article:

Atia, E.A. and Atia, A.A. (2021). Reduce the severity of fusarium wilt In tomatoes by use natural plant produces. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (3), 212-215. http://dx.doi.org/10.47587/SA.2021.2310


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