Le Van Trong¹ Ha Thi Phuong¹ and Bui Xuan Hong²

 ¹Faculty of Natural Sciences, Hongduc University, Vietnam

²Thanhlong Secondary School, Thachthanh District, Thanhhoa Province, Vietnam

Received: Dec 17, 2022/ Accepted: Jan 17, 2023/ Published: Jan 28, 2023

(✉) Corresponding Author: levntrong@hdu.edu.vn


Research to determine the ripening time of the fruit is the scientific basis for better harvesting and preservation. The results showed that sour apple fruit reached its maximum size 11 to 12 weeks after anthesis (WAA). At this time, indicators such as length, diameter, fresh weight, and volume changed little. The ratio of dry matter content and the ratio of seeds and pods decreased until fruit ripening, while the water content and the ratio of pulps increased gradually from fruit formation to fruit ripening. The starch content gradually increased and reached its maximum at 6 WAA, then decreased gradually and then decreased gradually.  Reducing sugars increased during the early stages and peaked at 12 WAA, then decreased gradually. The total organic acid content reached its maximum when the fruit was 10 WAA and then decreased gradually. This result shows that sour apple fruit should be harvested at physiological maturity (11-12 WAA) to ensure the highest nutritional value and quality of the fruit.

Keywords: Biochemical indexes, physiological indexes, physiological maturity, sour apple fruit


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How to cite this article

Trong, L. V., Phuong, H. T. and Hong, B. X. (2023). Study of some physiological and biochemical metabolism of sour apple fruit (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.) grown in Vietnam. Science Archives, Vol. 4(1), 7-11. https://doi.org/10.47587/SA.2023.4102

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