Doaa M. Abou Basha, Farid Hellal and Saied El Sayed

 Plant Nutrition Dept., National Research Centre, Dokki, El-Buhouth St., 12622, Cairo, Egypt.

*Corresponding author:

Received: June 18, 2021 / Revised: July 16, 2021, Accepted: Aug 6, 2021



Water stress is one of the most devastating environmental stresses worldwide. Improving Maize to withstand drought stress is one of the most significant obstacles with the increasing global need for food, fiber, and fuel. Field experiments were carried out in National Research Centre, Nubaria, Egypt; during the two successive growing seasons of 2018 and 2019 to study the interaction effects of potassium humate and biofertilizers (nitrobeine) on growth, yield characters, and chemical composition of Maize plant under water stress. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: The highest values of all growth and yield characteristics of Maize were recorded in the first and second seasons when treating potassium humate (3 g L-1) with biofertilizers as compared to all treatments under sufficient irrigation system. Also, it increased the nutrient content (N, P, and K) of grain of Maize as compared with control. Whereas, the water stress treatment reduced the macronutrient of maize grain as compared to the addition of sufficient irrigation treatment. Likewise, data showed that the application of potassium humate foliar spraying with biofertilizers under water stress enhanced the carbohydrate and protein content in the Maize plant. Results concluded that the application of potassium humate foliar spraying and biofertilizer is important to improve maize production and nutrient content under water stress conditions.

Keywords:   Water stress, Maize, biofertilizers, potassium humate, yield

How to cite this article:

Basha, D. M. A., Hellal, F. and El-Sayed, S. (2021). The combined effect of potassium humate and bio-fertilizers on Maize productivity and quality under water stress conditions. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (3), 162-170.


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