Jehan Mahmood rajab, Shaima D. Salman  and Yasamin Abdul-amer Kadhum

Department of Biology, College of Sciences, Mustansiriyah University, Iraq

Received: Oct 2, 2023/ Revised: Nov 3, 2023/Accepted: Nov 7, 2023

(✉) Corresponding Author: Jehan Mahmood rajab


The pecten oculi is a unique and highly specialized structure found in the eyes of birds. It is a thin, folded, fan-like membrane that extends from the optic nerve region into the vitreous fluid of the eyeball. This membrane is primarily composed of pigment cells, an extensive network of blood vessels, and a thick basal lamina. The pecten’s main function is to supply nutrients and oxygen to the retina, maintain the internal eye temperature, and support sharp vision, especially during activities such as migration and hunting. The number of folds in the pecten varies between diurnal and nocturnal birds, with diurnal birds generally having larger and more complex pecten structures. The pigmentation of the pecten, especially at the apical and peripheral regions, plays a role in protecting the blood vessels from UV radiation and oxygen radicals. Different bird species exhibit variations in the number, size, and thickness of pecten folds, reflecting their specific visual requirements. For example, species like the emu have a more primitive, pleated pecten, while birds like the seagull and quail have a greater number of folds and capillaries. Additionally, the presence of melanocytes and their interactions with capillaries and blood vessels contribute to the pecten’s structural integrity. The study of the pecten oculi’s histology reveals that it is essential for the bird’s visual health and can be linked to their lifestyle and environmental conditions. The structure and size of the pecten are tailored to the bird’s daily activities, with diurnal birds having larger and more complex pecten structures compared to their nocturnal counterparts. This specialized organ’s morphology and vascularization are crucial for delivering nutrients to the retina and protecting it from UV radiation. In summary, the pecten oculi is a remarkable anatomical feature in the avian eye, and its structure and function are closely related to the lifestyle and visual requirements of different bird species. This study provides valuable insights into the diverse adaptations of the pecten across bird species and its significance in maintaining avian visual health.

Keywords:  Pecten Oculi, Avian Eye, Visual Adaptation, Histology, Retinal Nutrition.


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How to cite this article

Mahmood rajab, J., Salman, S. D. and Kadhum, Y. A. (2023). The pecten oculi comparison of the different bird species. Science Archives, Vol. 4(4), 270-275.

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