Osama A. NofalAbdelhalim I Rezk
and Mahmoud M. Abbas
1-Plant Nutrition Department., Agricultural &Biological Researches, National Research Centre, 33 EL-Buhouth St.,12622-Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
2-Fertilization Technology Department., Agricultural & Biological Researches, National Research Centre, 33 EL-Buhouth St.,12622 -Dokki, Cairo, Egypt
nofalosama@hotmail.com ; Scopus Authors ID: 6506795190; 57208906821
Article History: Received: Nov 13, 2020 / Revised: Dec 02, 2020/ Accepted: Dec 14, 2020
This review aims to show the reason for planting the flax crop in the new lands by highlighting some varieties that were successfully cultivated in these lands and have achieved promising results. In addition to following up and evaluate their growth characters and yield. On the other hand, applying some fertilization strategies in these lands has demonstrated many varieties in their productive capacity among themselves according to soil conditions and production efficiency. The usage of different fertilizers whether biological, organic, or chemical show differences in their supply capacity for the crop with nutrients either macro or minor. It can be concluded from this review that our using of the most suitable varieties adapted to the conditions of the new lands within a framework of balanced fertilization, which is reflected in the physiological state and leading to the highest productivity and best quality.
Keywords Flax, Varieties, New Land, Fertilization, Yield, Quality
How to cite this article Nofal, O.A. Rezk, A. I. & Abbas, M. M. (2020). The role of different fertilization strategies on the yield and quality of different flax varieties in the new lands. Science Archives, 1 (3), 84-88.
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This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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