Dorji N1* and Phuntsho Norbu2

 1Ministry of Education, Bhutan

2 Samcholing Primary School, Trongsa, Bhutan

 *Corresponding author:

Received: May 9, 2021 / Revised:  June 12, 2021/ Accepted: June 20, 2021


 Language is the medium by which higher intellectual processes are revealed. Every human mastered at least one language in spoken or signed. Linguistics is that the science of language, which includes words, sounds, and the rules of grammar. Words in languages are limited, but sentences are infinite and build to the requirement for communication following certain rules of grammars. It is the creativity of human beings that the languages are set as per their requirement that makes better than the animal languages, which are essentially responses to stimuli. Linguistic creativity isn’t simply a property of outstanding people but an exceptional property for those people who can play with the languages. The study was aimed to search out the language creativity of Sarpang and Zhemgang District of Bhutan. A complete of 200 samples, consisting of 100 students from two different Dzongkhag with equal gender (50 male and 50 female) sample are chosen through stratified, convenient, and random sampling. The information was collected using a language creativity test scale. The findings revealed that there existed a major difference between the language creativity amongst females and males students of the two districts.

Keywords     Language, Creativity, Communication, Intellectual processes, Dzongkhag

How to cite this article:

Dorji, N. and Norbu, P. (2021). Science of language: creativity among male and female students of Secondary schools of Bhutan. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (2), 80-83.


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