Safaa Hussein Abdullah and Adnan Issa Al-Badran

Department of Biology Collage of Science University of Basrah, Iraq

Received: Oct 20, 2022/ Revised: Nov 21, 2022/ Accepted: Nov 28, 2022

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Celiac disease is a chronic small intestinal inflammatory disease characterized by a lifelong reaction to dietary gluten in individuals with genetic predisposed. Many studies were suggests the presence of celiac disease predominance in women than man patients. This study was conducted in Thi-Qar province – south of Iraq. The blood samples were collected from healthy and celiac patients whose diagnosed by serology tests using Enzyme Linkage Immuno Sorbent Assay. The current study was designed to demonstrate women’s serologic parameters and their characters in Thi-Qar province. This case-control study demonstrates that women are predominantly incidence with celiac disease. Using the two-step testing is a quite precise strategy for diagnosing suspicious persons and can be a potent marker for monitoring celiac disease activity.

Keywords: Celiac disease, Anti-tTG, Anti-GA, Sensitivity, Specificity, Positive Predictive Value, Negative Predictive Value, Positive Likelihood Ratio and Negative Likelihood Ratio


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How to cite this article

Abdullah, S. H. and Al-Badran, A. I. (2022). Some immunological characteristics in Iraqi women with celiac disease. Science Archives, Vol. 3(4), 326-331.

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