Muna Salah Rashid

Department of Biology, Collage of Science, University of Tikrit, Salah Al-deen, Iraq

Received: Feb 2, 2023/ Revised: Mar 4, 2023/ Accepted: Mar 5, 2023

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This study was sought to determine the effect of ranitidine on the histological structure of liver and kidneys in albino mice. Two groups of mice were administered Ranitidine 75mg/kg of and 150 mg/kg respectively, we used (15) albino mice and administrated the doses orally for 10 consecutive 10 days. The results showed some  structural effects on tissues of liver and kidneys group two showed (75 mg/kg of b. w.)  desquamation of the wall of central vein of the liver, necrosis , accumulation of  fibroblast, hemorrhage, and aggregation of Kupffer cells .the kidneys exhibited necrosis in some regions, hemorrhage and existence of cast in the tubules and it seems that ranitidine has caused dilation between glomerulus and bowman corpuscles. Group three (150 mg/kg of b. w.) revealed more damage in the wall of the central vein of the liver, infiltration of focal inflammatory in the area caused hemorrhage ,expansion in sinusoid ,  accumulation of fibroblast and necrosis in the liver tissue. Kidneys were severely affected in comparison to group one and showed an extended hemorrhage and ruptures in glomerulus with dilatation, hyperplasia cells in tubules and cast, form this study we conclude that ranitidine with a dose of 75mg/kg has mild effect on the liver and kidneys and medium effect with a  dose of with a dose of 150 mg/kg. The research is focus in histopathology effects of ranitidine on liver and kidneys

Keywords: Ranitidine, Liver, Kidneys, Necrosis, Fibroblast


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How to cite this article

Rashid, M.S. (2023). Histopathological effect of ranitidine (Zantac) on liver and kidneys in albino mice. Science Archives, Vol. 4(1), 34-38.

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