Abhishek Chauhan
, Ritu Chauhan
, Rupesh Kumar Basniwal
and Sachin C. Narwadiya
1-Amity Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Safety and Management, Amity University, Sector-125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
2-Amity Institute for Advanced Research and Studies (M&D) Amity University, Sector-125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
3-Vigyan Prasar, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, C-24, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016
Received Date: Feb 17, 2020 / Accepted Date: June 23, 2020 / Published Date: June 28, 2020
Cyanobacteria are various group of gram-negative prokaryotes that originated before 3.5 billion years ago known as phototrophic blue green algae. This group is well known for their higher photosynthetic growth rate and capability to grow in adverse environmental conditions. Unique property of the algal group to grow in almost every environmental condition, makes them suitable candidate for the study of antimicrobial research. First time before 1500 BC, medicinal and nutritional properties have been investigated for Nostoc algal species to treat gout, fistula and cancer. In current scenario, less accessibility of life saving drugs, high cost of antibiotics and development of resistivity towards existing antibiotics, made it necessary to look forward for new research activities based on cyanobacteria and other plants for betterment of human society. The different extracts prepared from cultured cyanobacteria to isolate compounds are a common way to discover novel compounds. Most of the valuable cyanobacterial metabolites are concentrated in their biomass. For existence in nature, cyanobacteria secrete and contain various organic compounds. Compounds like proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, pigments, primary and secondary metabolites extracted from cyanobacteria are well known for different antimicrobial activities like antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial. Pharmaceutical companies have been shown commercial interest in this algal group due to presence of vast and diverse biological active compounds. In this review, we have shown panoramic view of cyanobacterial extracts and their commercial applications in different fields.
Keywords Antibacterial, antimycobacterial and antifungal properties, cyanobacteria
How to cite this article:
Chauhan, A., Chauhan, R. Basniwal, R.K., Narwadia, S.C. (2020) Cyanobacteria: an emerging source for antibacterial, antimycobacterial and antifungal properties Science Archives, 1 (1), 35-41
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