Alaa H. Oleiwi1, Sukania R. Neamah2 and Ali M. Atshan2

1-Department of Biology.College of Sciences, University of The-Qar

2-General Directorate of Education in Thi-Qar province;;

Received: Feb 12, 2021 / Revised Mar 12, 2021/ Accepted: Mar 26, 2020


 The light emitted by many insect species of insects and other organisms are known as bioluminescence. Dating back to the earliest written records of the ancient Greeks, bioluminescence is one of the ancient fields of scientific study. There are many studies on insects mentioned in this article. In the activities of insects, bioluminescence plays a significant function.

Keywords    Luciferases, bioluminescence, Insects, importance  of bioluminescence


How to cite this article:

Oleiwi, A. H., Neamah , S. R. and Atshan, A. M. (2021). The phenomenon of Bioluminescence in Insects. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (1), 62-64.


This is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


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