Soroor Anter Hamad 1, Ahmed Hashim2 and Zainab Sulaiman

1Department of Pediatrics, (MRCP-CH). University of Anbar, Iraq,

2Department of Pediatrics, (MRCP-CH). University of Tikrit, Iraq

*Corresponding author:

Received: Feb 8, 2021 / Revised: Mar 8, 2021/ Accepted: Mar 18, 2021


 A cross-sectional hospital-based selected study was done on neonates delivered by c/s in Sulymania city /Iraq. At the time of delivery, the time of cord clamping was calculated in seconds from onset of the first cry to the time of cord-cutting each neonate was assessed for signs of TTN within 6 hrs of life, and PCV was measured within 6 hrs by capillary measures. The total numbers of cases were (43) case. (53.5%) were males and (46.5%) were females. (95.3%) of total study, cases were within normal weight and (88.4%) were term babies. All the study cases were delivered by c/s, (93)% were elective c/s while (7%) were emergency c/s. Regarding risk factors of TTN, (95.5%) of females of study cases have risk factors in form of elective c/s only, while (elective c/s + gestational DM) was (100%) among males. Additionally, the study cases that have risk factors in form of (elective c/s, PROM, SGA) were (100%) among females only. For males who have a risk factor of c/s in addition to being a male, their percentage was (100%) among study cases. (84%) of study, cases were developed TTN and (16%) were not. Finally, the results showed that there are no statistically significant differences in the time of cord clamping & whether they develop polycythemia or not, Chi2 value was (4.977), and this value not significant at (0.05). There are no significant differences in the time of cord clamping & development of TTN and polycythemia in term and near term neonates.

 Keywords   Transient tachypnea, polycythemia, cord clamping, neonates

How to cite this article:

Hamad , S.A., Hashim, A. and  Hashim, A. (2021). The relation between time of cord clamping and development of transient tachypnea of the  newborn and polycythemia in term and near tem neonate. Science Archives, Vol. 2 (1), 50-55.


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