Hawraa Aqel Abdulmonem and Hanaa Ali Aziz

 College of Science, Al-Muthanna Univ.,Iraq

Received: Oct 21, 2022/ Revised: Nov 11, 2022/ Accepted: Nov 17, 2022

(✉) Corresponding Author: hanabio-1983@mu.edu.iq


Types 1 and 2 diabetes are predisposed to people with vitamin D deficiency, and immune cells and beta cells were found to include receptors for vitamin D’s activated form, 1 α, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Type II diabetes was linked to vitamin D deficiency, which was proven to affect insulin synthesis and secretion in people and diabetes-prone animals. In addition, epidemiological research suggests a connection of the deficiency of vitamin D in adolescence with type I diabetes onset later in life. Various polymorphisms in vitamin D receptor genes have been linked to type I diabetes in certain groups. Pharmacological dosages of 1 α, 25-di-hydroxyvitamin D3, or its structural counterparts were proven in tests on nonobese diabetic mice to postpone the onset of diabetes, mostly by modulating the immune system. Thus, vitamin D deficiency could have an influence upon etiology of both types of diabetes, and a deeper comprehension of the underlying mechanisms might help create preventative measures.

 Keywords: 1,25(OH)2D3, Vitamin D deficiency, Beta cell, Diabetes Type 1,2


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How to cite this article

Abdulmonem, H. A., Aziz, H. A. (2022). A review: The relationship between vitamin D deficiency and diabetes Type 1,2. Science Archives, Vol. 3(4), 319-325 https://doi.org/10.47587/SA.2022.3411

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