Review Article Open Access

Introduction to ChatGPT: A new revolution of artificial intelligence with machine learning algorithms and cybersecurity

Musadaq A. Hadi¹✉, Mohammed Najm Abdulredha², and E. Hasan³

¹Control and Systems Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq ²Computer Science Department, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq ³Institute for Mathematics Research, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia 3Department of Mathematics, University of Baghdad, Al-Jadrriya, Baghdad, Iraq

Science Archives, Vol. 4(4), 276-285

Crossref DOI:

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Review Article Open Access

The effect of cross-reactivity on trained innate immunity

Abeer Salih Ali¹✉, Mahmood Abed Hamzah², Saif Mazeel Abed³ Alia Essam Mahmood Alubadi¹

¹Department of Biology, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq ²Ministry of Education, Baghdad, Iraq ³College of Health and Medical Techniques, Sawa University, Iraq

Science Archives, Vol. 4(4), 291-294.

Crossref DOI:

[pdf_attachment file="1" name="View PDF"]Abstract Keywords References Citations Copyright License Metadata
Research Article Open Access

Supplementation of crossbred boer goats with cottonseed meal and/or urea enhances estimated metabolizable protein intake, crude protein digestibility and nitrogen retention

Aholiab Aoetpah¹,² ✉, Christopher P. Gardiner¹, Bruce Gummow¹,4, Adeline Mialon³ and GlenWalker¹

¹College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, James Cook University, 4811, Townsville, Australia ²State Agricultural Polytechnic of Kupang, Kupang 85011, Indonesia ³ISARA-Lyon,69364CEDEX07- Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France 4University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Department of Production Animals

Science Archives, Vol. 5(2), 14-21

Crossref DOI:

[pdf_attachment file="1" name="View PDF"]Abstract Keywords References Citations Copyright License Metadata
Review Article Open Access

Comparative study between availability and reliability of complex systems

Anjali1, Vinit Kumar Sharma2 and Vinay Kumar3

 1Book Hive Institute, Narayana Delhi, India 2Department of Mathematics, Shri Ram College, Muzaffarnagar, UP 3Bhagwant Institute of Technology, Muzaffarnagar

Science Archives, Vol. 2(4), 392-395

Crossref DOI:

[pdf_attachment file="1" name="View PDF"]Abstract Keywords References Citations Copyright License Metadata